Polar Ice Caps

Ice is melting at the poles. Impacts will be global. Ice shelves are massive, floating platforms of ice that surround the ice-covered continents of Antarctica and Greenland. When they melt, sea level isn't directly affected because this ice is already in the ocean. But scientists have learned that floating ice shelves act as dams to glaciers, which are flowing rivers of ice. After the Larsen B Antarctic ice shelf broke up in 2002, glaciers behind the shelf began flowing into the sea much more quickly. Movement of ice from land into the ocean makes sea level rise globally. Why are glaciers important? Ice acts like a protective cover over the Earth and our oceans. These bright white spots reflect excess heat back into space and keep the planet cooler. In theory, the Arctic remains colder than the equator because more of the heat from the sun is reflected off the ice, back into space. Glaciers around the world can range from ice that is several hundred to several thousand years old an...

Environmental Conservation

Human existence is quite impossible without the presence of a healthy ecosystem. Our environment comprises all living and non-living components and their interactions within a natural habitat. Environmental conservation has become one of the core issues that need to be addressed to battle climate change and global warming. Sustainable development is the need of the hour which can save the mother earth from the repercussions of industrialization. In this blog, we will aim to elaborate upon environmental conservation, its needs as well as methods.

What is Environmental Conservation?

Environmental conservation is the practice of us humans saving the environment from the loss of species, and the destruction of the ecosystem, primarily due to pollution and human activities. Conservation is vital in saving and helping both animals and trees as we are all dependent on one another for survival.

Trees convert carbon dioxide produced by factories into oxygen, which helps us breathe and respire. The loss of species, which makes them go extinct, would mean they are forever lost and cannot be seen by curious eyes, or studied by the scientific minds. Additionally, such loss or destruction of ecosystems would disrupt the food web, messing up the whole ecosystem in general.

There is much to do when it comes to rebuilding and protecting what’s left of natural resources and the biodiversity within our ecosystems. Environmental conservation is an umbrella term that defines anything we do to protect our planet and conserve its natural resources so that every living thing can have an improved quality of life.

Importance of Environmental Conservation

It has become inherently important to work towards environmental conservation in contemporary times. The following pointers elucidate this crucial need to save the environment from further degradation:

To reduce air, water and land pollution.

To facilitate the conservation of natural resources for our future generations.

To ensure the protection of biodiversity.

To implement sustainable development.

To restore the ecological balance.

To save our planet from harmful repercussions of global warming.

“A true conservationist is a man who knows that the world is not given by his fathers, but borrowed from his children.”

-John James Audubon

Methods of Environmental Conservation

Now that you are familiar with the meaning and importance of Environmental Conservation, let’s understand the core methods through which it can be effectively facilitated:

Soil Conservation

As one of the prominent methods for environmental conservation, the need for soil conservation has arisen to tackle the harmful effects of soil pollution. On earth, the soil is the main element that plays a pivotal role in soil erosion, land degradation and floods. Soil is filled with rich nutrients for plant production. Soil conservation can be carried out by ensuring minimal use of fertilizers and venomous chemicals as well as abolishing the disposal of harmful industrial waste in the soil. 

Waste Management

Especially in developing countries and congested places, on a daily basis, a large amount of waste is thrown away recklessly on the streets and roads. The improper disposal of waste segregation can lead to various dreadful diseases as well as soil pollution.

To ensure minimal wastage as well as facilitate waste disposal, we can opt for various techniques like the 3R’s, i.e. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, dry and wet waste segregation, amongst others.

Forest Conservation 

We know that plants and trees are the essential sources of air, food as well as other day-to-day products we use. Forests are the dwelling place of different living creatures and a single disturbance in the ecosystem can cause disruption in the water cycle as well as the food chain. Thus, afforestation is amongst the core Environmental conservation and aims to plant more trees as well as save the existing ones from cutting down as trees play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance. 

Pollution Control

As the increase in temperature is concerning, there is a need to keep a watch on the toxic compounds we ingest that pollute the atmosphere. We need to adopt environmentally sustainable methods to minimize multiple forms of emissions, such as eliminating waste, saving electricity, limiting the unnecessary usage of fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides, and using energy-efficient appliances, among others.

Measures to Conserve Environment

Here are some measures to save the environment:

1.Deforestation must be stopped

2.Natural non-renewable resources must be utilized properly

3.Every year, we lose a huge number of forest life due to forest fire. We must find a solution to this.

4.Afforestation is the best way to conserve the environment

5.Create public awareness

6.Control pollution and population

7.Recycle goods

8.Adopt an environment-friendly lifestyle

9.Adopt waste management techniques

10.Species on the verge of extension should be saved.

Do watch this video by National Geographic to have more insights about the topic.



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